Summer is in full bloom, and the heat of the day sometimes reaches 90 degrees or more, which means the blossoms on tomato plants may drop off because of the heat. In case you find your blossoms falling off your plant, don't worry, the excessive heat may be the reason. Now that it is getting cooler, you should see your plants blossoming again.
That brings us to another topic. Feeding your tomato plants. Make sure to water your plants and water them evenly and on a regular basis. You probably should also provide them with tomato or plant food. If you are growing your tomatoes in pots, check the soil and make sure it is consistently moist. If you are growing your tomatoes in the ground, you should water every other day.
Stop by either of our locations and ask our gardening professionals what to feed your plants. We have a large selection of plant foods to fit your needs.