Planting Grass Seed
A lawn is a beautiful opening to anyone's home. A lot of people are scared to start planting their own grass seed because they think that it'll be a lot of work. Well, it's not really that hard. Planting grass seeds are easy. With the right seed, tools and a pocketful of enthusiasm, you can successfully plant them over the weekend.Project requirements:
The right grass for your climate
Quality seed
A shovel
A rake
A lawn roller
A spade or garden hoe
Starter Fertilizer
Here's how to get started:
1. Search the internet for the kind of grass that is suitable for your area. Pick a grass type that will coincide with your current climate. This way you won't fail on your current planting endeavor.
2. Visit your community plant or gardening shop. Consult with the real experts on what grass to plant. Do not hesitate to ask a million questions if you have to. Ask everything that has anything to do with picking out a grass type for your lawn, its maintenance and growth. Bring a pen and paper and jot down the details.
3. Pick out quality seeds. A great tip is to not pick out a grass seed that has just passed its prime. This is about 8 to 10 months old. If possible, use seeds that are 4 to 6 months old to guarantee a good and productive growth of your grass.
4. Till your land with a spade or a garden hoe. This will help prepare your soil for your seeds.
5. Take out all debris, rocks, twigs and other unwanted materials from your soil. These things will hinder your grass from productively growing.
6. Use a shovel to level out your soil. Do not worry. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just be sure to even out the soil on all the sides so that the grass will grow evenly.
7. Spread out the starter fertilizer and be generous about it.
8. Sprinkle your seeds on your soil. Lay them out every six inches of the land. Use a handful as a standard measurement.
9. Use a rake to mix up your seeds, the starter fertilizer and the soil. Do not however apply to much pressure on the rake. This might damage the seeds. Rake them gently as if they were your precious babies -- as they will be.

10. To really get them blending, drive over your lawn roller on the ground. Do not put any water inside it. This is just to fully incorporate the components together. It's as if you are cooking. You mix them up to achieve the desired flavor or taste.
11. Water your lawn every day, thrice a day for the next days. Water them for about 15 to 20 minutes each day.
12. Put in fertilizer once every 3 days to nourish your grass.
13. Put up a "no walking on the grass sign". The last thing you need is to have someone step on your growing babies' right?
Whether you want a gorgeous lawn or extra bragging rights, planting grass seeds is both economical and easy. Go ahead and do so. Turn that dirt into your own mini green pasture. "Green is gooooooood!"