The Garden of Your Dreams
In British English, the word garden refers to an enclosed parcel of land and normally it stands besides a building, while the same word refers to a yard to the Americans. In addition to that definition, it is an open space that is planned and set aside for the purpose of displaying and cultivating plants and other natural species for absolute enjoyment. In the garden both natural and man-made materials can be combined for the purpose of beautification aside from production.There are several types of gardens and the most common form is the residential garden which per tradition is the most popular. Generally when talking about a garden we are referring to a zoo where wild animals are on display inside a man-made habitat for the animal in order to survive which were known before and called zoological gardens. There are also gardens devoted mostly for plants and they are called botanical gardens. The Zen gardens, the traditional eastern types of gardens use local type of native plants such as parsley that requires little or no water at all for their maintenance but were still able to provide the environmental benefits a garden is sought for.

Gardens are the best areas where both natural and artificial or structural enhancements are best displayed and appreciated like follies with their water features in the form of fountains, ponds, waterfalls and creeds, dry creek beds and others.
There are some gardens that were set up for specific purposes such as ornamental and for food production, both can be combined together or with distinguished boundaries or specific areas while others intermix their plants together both for designs and pest management. While there are gardens specifically established to produce food, these are different from farms because of the small area coverage, the labor component employed and their purpose since garden s are primarily for hobbies while farms are normally intended for a profit whereby they produce to sell and make a living.
There are several elements that consist a garden and these are classified into two namely the natural conditions and materials and the constructed or man-made conditions and materials. The natural conditions and materials are composed of the soil, the rocks, wind, water from mist or other natural sources, the air and planting material, while the constructed elements are the garden beds, path walks, pools, terraces, patio or deck, lighting, the water garden, drainage system, sculpture and buildings like gazebos, pergolas and follies.
Normally the garden can serve a variety of uses such as for aesthetics or beauty sake, observation of nature, relaxation and for growing plants for beneficial uses. In the garden, you can observe the birds and insects while watching them and learn a few lessons about them inside cages or containment spaces where they could multiply as if in their natural habitats. You can also reflect on the changing seasons of the year and how it affects the garden. Just looking at your garden in the morning or while having your family dinner on the terrace or watching your children playing in the garden is a worthwhile relaxation space for you that toiling the whole day in your garden is worth the efforts you have put in.